If you're expecting to see results, your goal body weight could be heavier than your current body weight. Here's a few reasons why.
- Muscle is more dense than fat
- Your body has a natural weight that it's comfortable with asnd will retutn to regardless of how well you eat or exercise
- You're getting stronger
- You metabolism is constantly changing; therefore, you are too. Fluctuations are going to happen whether we like it or not
Don't get so hung up on the fact that you're making progress, and then all of a sudden a plateau happens. I PROMISE you everything is ok. That's your body telling you to change things up a bit. You have to confuse the muscles. Because if you do the same thing you've always done, how can you expect to see progressive results. You don't want to be the SAME as someone else. Sure, you may have a person in mind you admire so much that your're using that image to work towards your ideal self, but you will NEVER look like them. And that is just fine. All because body composition, diet, exercise, genetics, you name it. All of these things factor into how your body can look a certain way.