If you've been in a routine for a while, you've probably gotten to a plateau point. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. So, what can we do to change that? A few things actually.
Tempo-slow down your exercise. Squats. GREAT example. Slowly count to 3 or 5 on your way down, and shoot back up and SQUEEZE, making sure you stay consistent and repeat for the entire set. This also works for back exercises, and bicep curls.
Weight-increase your weight by 5-10 pounds. You'll be glad you did. You'll slowly be able to build your strength to the point where you'll probably need to add in that tempo, as explained above.
Rest times- increase or decrease your rest times between your sets. If you're going super heavy, you're gonna wanna rest for about 90 seconds to 2 minutes. But, everyone is different, so listen to your body, that way youll be able to hit the same number of reps within your guided limit through your workout.
Nutrition- Do NOT skip out on your nutrition. Nobody should be eating less than 1500 calories per day. Your just asking for a disaster and disappointment. Yes your body needs carbs to operate. Yes you need protein to build muscle. Ladies you won't become bulky because we don't have enough testosterone in our bodies to allow for that to happen. Lifting weights is healthy, and muscles are sexy!
No need to incorporate all of these things at once, as there are other ways to help you get to your goals, but just remember, give yourself some time. You're not going to see immediate results in 30 days. Give yourself a minimum of 3 months to REALLY see the changes you're striving for.