Meet Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach,
Kaitlyn Lewicki-Gorney
Credentials: ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Strength Certified
CPR/AED Certified
Prenatal/Postnatal Certified
Nutrition Certified
About Me
Fitness was not something I was always into. My background was in Psychology. It wasn't until 2014 when I did the Color Run in downtown Detroit with my now husband that I sparked an interest. But, I didn't know proper training mechanics at the time, so my knees hurt for days and I was sore in places I wasn't comfortable with. I wanted to find a way to get stronger and have more energy. Easy to say I was NOT a runner. Fast forward to late 2016, early 2017. I really dove into fitness here. Finding my element and getting stronger through group fitness classes really helped me find my niche. I was in love with the idea of having muscle definition. This newfound "super power" of mine encouraged me to break out of my quiet shell with the help of my manager, and an amazing coach who still inspires me till this day. With those two superhumans rooting next to me, I felt invincible to become a personal trainer. When I finally did at the end of 2018, I knew I was ready to move mountains and I could do greater things than I had ever imagined. My goal is to now help YOU move mountains greater than you have ever imagined, and find the confidence and strength to love the original you, because you are enough.